Friday, September 18, 2009

Smallville Season 8

Smallville season 8 was everything a comic book fan could want; With guest appearances from the Justice League, Legion of Super Heroes, and the introduction of DC comics mainstays like Zatanna, Toyman, and Doomsday. To those who have kept up with the show, season 8 was the payoff they were waiting for. Too bad there is going to be a season 9.

Season 8 was the perfect ending to the series with Clark having finally dealt with long time foe Lex Luthor. Braniac was defeated and imprisoned in the future, and General Zod was still trapped in the Phantom Zone. Lana had left Smallville and Clark finally began moving closer to Lois. All that stood in his way was the behemoth known as Doomsday, recognized by most comic fans as the monster that killed Superman. Indeed, all the ingredients for a spectacular series finale were in place.

Smallville’s writers had quite the task ahead of themselves with season 8. The previous season saw the introduction Super-girl as well as Bizarro, Brainiac once again rising to give Clark grief, and Lex finally embracing the dark side and confronting Clark about his powers. It also saw the departure of series mainstays Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, and Kristen Kreuk. Many doubted the series would survive after that. With little other choice, the writers decided to move closer to the Superman mythos and bring in even more DC characters. The way Doomsday was written and portrayed is in itself a credit to the series. No one, myself included, thought they could do the character justice. In fact, it’s interesting to note that the character is even more interesting on the show than he is in the comics.

Of course, as has become a tradition of Smallville, the special effects were of cinema quality and continue to out do anything in its genre. Once again going back to Doomsday, the suit is remarkably close to what could be seen in the comic.

Fans of the comics were rewarded with nice little nods. The anti-life equation could be heard in a specific scene featuring Brainiac, Maxima was kept the same as her comic counterpart, Green Arrow continued to grow more antagonistic toward Clark which ultimately leads to his death in the comics.

If there was a negative opinion of the season, it would have to be regarding the final battle between Clark and Doomsday. It was a fight that was built up the entire season, and even previewed during a scene in which Clark’s super strength did little to halt a punch from Doomsday that sent him crashing through a farm house. Surely during the finale these two would finally have it out in grand fashion. If there is one weakness that Smallville has continued to suffer from, it would be its unimpressive action sequences. The Clark Doomsday battle lasted around a minute and twenty seconds. Had this been another episode, it would be a small gripe but considering this was supposed to be the foe that was built up throughout the entire season as being Clark’s own personal doomsday, one could not help but be disappointed by the result.

Everything aside, season 8 ultimately is not the end for Smallville. The CW needs a ratings boost and Smallville is seemingly all they have left. Knowing this, they extended its life past what really should have been its end. Can the show continue its upward trend? A new battle with Zod may prove interesting and the introduction of the JSA may provide some fanboys pleasure if done right but, with Clark finally donning a costume and moving to Metropolis, one has to wonder why the show is even called Smallville. Still, regardless of whether season 9 outperforms it or not, season 8 was one of the best examples of what makes Superman entertaining outside of the pages of a comic.

Smallville Season 8 – A-

Smallville Series – B-

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