Saturday, January 23, 2010

Starting Point: 1979-1996

Hayao Miyazaki

(Viz Media)

By Chris Zimmerman
At 68 years of age, Hayao Miyazaki continues to flourish as one of the most respected and influential filmmakers today. Earlier this year, his film “Ponyo” opened in America after earning over $155 million dollars in Japan back in 2008 and becoming the country’s eighth highest grossing film.

Miyazaki has received praise from both critics and his peers including John Lasseter, the CCO of Pixar Animation studios, who also happened to write the forward for the book. Despite this, his work has only met with favorable success outside of Japan. While it may be a result due to lack of exposure, Miyazaki himself tends to shun the spotlight, preferring to be left alone to his art.

The essays and interview featured within offer a candid insight into the reclusive director’s innermost thoughts about everything from his work to the (then) current state of Japan. In his own words, Miyazaki describes what an animator’s goals should be and how the methods of animation have evolved over the years to what they are today.

The portrait he paints of himself is not a flattering one and may serve to surprise his fans. Inside he expresses his regrets that his work never permitted him much time at home with his family. He discusses how his wife was left to raise his children and how they inspired him to work harder.

“…they made me want to make movies for them, to show them certain kinds of work. My children were both my motivation for work and my best audience."

Also included are pages of notes (most of which are in Japanese) and meticulous sketches reprinted directly from his scrapbook. The notes that are written in English are fascinating to read especially those lined next to his sketches. Despite being only sketches, they display Miyazaki’s penmanship as most could be confused with finished drawings.

Starting Point is essential reading for any fan wishing to understand Miyazaki. This is the first and only collection to look beyond the man’s films, digging into his history and beliefs. Since it was originally published in Japan in 1996, Starting Point doesn’t cover his more recent and critically acclaimed work. There is however, more than enough here to keep fans occupied until hopefully a second volume is released.

Starting Point: 1979-1996 - A+

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